Massoni per la vita - Freemasons for life - Francs-maçons pour la vie - Francmasonii pentru viaţă - Freemasons para a vida - Masones de la vida - Freimaurer für das Leben - 济生活 - जीवन के लिए फ्रीमेसंस -הבונים החופשיים לכל החיים
giovedì 26 agosto 2010
Greencastle, Indiana - New District Degree Day debuts in Greencastle.Saturday.September 18
An opportunity to become a 32nd. Degree member of the Indianapolis Valley of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and witness a unique NEW presentation of the 4th. Degree is coming up. The "District Degree Day" will be preceeded by The Grand Master's One Day Class, and will be presented at Temple Lodge No. 47, F.&A.M., Greencastle, Indiana.
Fonte : Michael Gillard