Nos da muchísimo gusto invitarlos al Gran Buffet Vegetariano - México, D.F. 2011. El propósito de este evento es para recaudar fondos para la recuperación financiera de Casa Ananda, A.C. - una institución que fundé basada en la Ciudad de México que ayuda a los niños, niñas y jóvenes en situación de calle. El buffet incluye diez diferentes platillos de la cocina filipina, hindú, china, japonesa y mexicana. El costo del boleto es 200.00 pesos (US$ 20.00). Cualquier donativo que puedan dar si no pueden estar en el evento será Para mayor información, favor de comunicarse conmigo (James Echivarre) a mi teléfono celular (55) 29-81-52-24 o pueden contactarme por correo en Favor de enviar esta invitación a todos sus amigos. Muchísimas gracias por su apoyo!
We want to cordially invite you to our Grand Vegetarian Buffet - Mexico City 2011. The purpose of this event is to raise funds to help Casa Ananda, A. C. - a Mexico City-based institution I founded that helps street children and the homeless youth. The buffet includes ten different dishes from Philippine, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Mexican cuisines. The cost of the ticket is 200.00 pesos (US$ 20.00). Any donation that you give if you aren't able to attend this event would be greatly appreciated. For more information, please call me (James Echivarre) in my mobile phone (+52-1-55) 29-81-52-24 or you may contact me by email at Please send this invitation to all your friends. Thank you very much for your help!
We want to cordially invite you to our Grand Vegetarian Buffet - Mexico City 2011. The purpose of this event is to raise funds to help Casa Ananda, A. C. - a Mexico City-based institution I founded that helps street children and the homeless youth. The buffet includes ten different dishes from Philippine, Indian, Chinese, Japanese and Mexican cuisines. The cost of the ticket is 200.00 pesos (US$ 20.00). Any donation that you give if you aren't able to attend this event would be greatly appreciated. For more information, please call me (James Echivarre) in my mobile phone (+52-1-55) 29-81-52-24 or you may contact me by email at Please send this invitation to all your friends. Thank you very much for your help!
Fonte : James Echivarre